With little to zero feedback on my old blog, as well as social pages such as Facebook, I had cut back on my blogs through the year. However, I am going to try to be more active for those who wish to follow me here.
This past year has been a great loss when it comes to sales in original drawings, prints and of my books, to the point I feel it might be time to remove all of my books from the markets and perhaps find another businesses who might sell my originals and prints better, and more affordable. So if anyone here uses a business they like and can recommend them, please drop me a line.
My last drawing for 2021 was a drawing of James Dean, taken from his movie "East of Eden". Prior to his drawing, I worked on a series of vintage children at play. all which came out dark. So I am thinking it's time to put away my darker graphites.
What say you?
Prints of this drawing and one other of the actor , take from his movie "Giant's will do to his cousin, as soon as I can get good copies made. A fellow artists had shown the said cousin my drawings when he was at the family farm showing him his works of the late actor, and it is reported that the cousin liked what he saw.

As for 2022, I don't know what I have to work on for this year. The pandemic had nearly ended all sales of my drawings, due to people out of work or put their extra monies elsewhere, so these days I am drawing mainly what catches my attention. It just that nothing is doing it for me. If you have what it takes for me to draw you, or you own the rights to a photo setting or pose that you think would make an awesome challenge for me, again, drop me a line at paper2pencil@sbcglobal.net
I have limited my male figure drawings to commissioned prepaid assignments until I can work with models once this global pandemic is over, and by working with vintage photos and public domain statues and images. But ever so often I am back to go back and worth with some amazing friends/models who have allowed me to drawing them through the years. As see here of some of the drawings of Gregg. Which two of his drawing have made new homes at a Chatue in France.
Enough for now. I just wanted to get this posted and give those, who, if any that are still following me, an update and where my drawings have been in the last few years.