As with most artist and small businesses, these past few years has been difficult due to the pandemic which hit globally. With so much uncertainty, buying luxury items was limited, to the point many businesses had to close their doors. However, this year started off with an encouraging change when the sale of my drawings started to pick up. And for that, I am thankful because each sale, whether it be an original drawing or prints, all goes to supplement my income and goes towards my family's basic needs.
And for that, I thank each and everyone who has supported me through these challenging times.

Shown here is a 14" x 17" graphite pencil drawing titled "Midnight in Paris", which recently was sold directly to an art collector in Texas for $2,000.oo the day it was completed. The original subject (Mehdi) was an uncompleted drawing created in the early part of 2000-2008, on 8.5 x 11 drawing paper, and sold to a collector in NYC.
I had promised myself that I would not be drawing any more male figure drawings (nudes) late last year due to the fact they were not selling as they used to. However, after not knowing what to draw at the start of the summer of this year, something inside of me said to draw Mehdi and this time draw him larger and completed. I think this in itself was something I was directed to sell, knowing that there was a buyer waiting for it.
Another drawing sold (approx. $1,400) earlier this year was an older drawing that I had attempted to complete two different times and each time the drawing stopped in the exact same area. Always remaining to be unfinished. Titled "Christ with Peter and Thomas" sold through Saatchi Art, which means they took a 40% cut into the sale. Still in all, it was a blessing and the funds came in just in time as they went to support my family's unexpected needs.

No matter the subject matter, be it a vintage photograph of children at play, a male figure study, or even a theme-period piece, an artist never know what will sell unless it's commissioned up front. So, I draw what attracts my interest at that time. Whether others will like it or not that in itself never comes into mind since it's pretty much a guessing game, and I stopped guessing long ago.
shown here are the drawings pleased so far, for this year. One sold. The others will remain in storage should one day someone wants to add them to their collection.
The two nude drawings which were created in the last two months were received by the public differently. "Clyde" (top right) is a model friend I had drawn many times and I had wanted to draw from the photo he sent me years ago but the timing just wasn't right. This being a classic pose was quickly classified as a masterpiece by some. The drawing I completed yesterday titled "Medieval Death Mask" (top left) got me restricted from Facebook even though the images in question are still on both of my Facebook pages, as well as on Instagram.
Oh well. There will always be haters who will follow you just to make sure your work is restricted and not seen by others.
The vintage drawings seem to be my latest interest. Several have sold but many of them do not end up framed and part of my private collection goes into storage. A vintage solid oak filing drawer is housed in my home office.
For those interested in purchasing any of my drawings, please feel free to reach out to me directly, or through Saatchi Art, which takes 40%. I prefer to sell directly but the choice is yours.
Now. Who's next?
What would you like me to see draw before the year is up?
David J. Vanderpool