I had a meeting early yesterday morning, with a gentleman to talk about my drawings, and an art gallery he wants to open up next to his theater (Ford Theater) here in Shafter. The subject was brought up a couple of years ago during an art show where I had several of my drawings on display and now that the theater and coffee shop is off to a good start, it was nice to hear what he was planning to do next.
Not to overwhelm him since he is familiar with my drawings, I brought my latest drawing "A Little Fall of Rain" since I have yet to frame it, as well as copies of the booklets that were created for my last two solo art exhibits. Giving him those two books, and signed prints of the above-mentioned drawings, to not only refresh his memory of what I can do, but what I have available shoudl he be interested in any of them.

The meeting went well. One of the things we discussed, was getting my drawings on display before Christian singer, and American Idol alumni, Danny Gokey performs on June 27th here in Shafter.
Looking through the booklets, he expressed interest the vintage period pieces which would be ideal for the decor of the coffee shop and theater. Mainly the drawing of James Dean (Little Giants), the 1926 Ford Truck, the Depression Era child sitting in the back of a car, the drawing of the child playing with an airplane, and it's companion piece of the dog sleep near a toy plan.
Then he was the Celtic drawing series!
I expect to hear back from him once he talks it over with his business partner and wife. He will want to train the staff in the coffee shop on answering questions regarding the drawings and any potential sales.
He does not want anything from the sales of the drawings, even though I told him he should. He does know a young man who owns a print shop in town and so we agreed that is he gets prints made of the drawings he is to get back his cost as well as a percentage of those!
While discussing ideas for an art gallery, I mentioned idea for a living art gallery where people come to not only buy art but to see artists in an open studio working. Much like a zoo for artists in the wild :)
He also liked some of my ideas for Shafter's annual Colours event, and asked if I would be interested in being on the committee. Sure, why not?!
Yes, yesterday was a good day.
And a '"good day was needed" after being rejected for an art competition at the Bakersfield Museum of Arts. But thats another story, yet not one worthy of mentioning here. After all, what artist have never experience rejection at one point or another ! Whether we agree with their judging or not :)
If all goes as discussed, it would be nice to see my work on displayed locally, and on a high end level. Where people from all walks of life, could come and see first hand what I can offer - or at least have created to date.